Server Monitoring Tool: Meet Hosts.Green
Monitoring USA

Server Monitoring Tool: Meet Hosts.Green

Abraão Almeida
Abraão Almeida

Tabela de conteúdos

Having a server monitoring tool is essential to your webpage's success. Today, we want to introduce you to a high quality tool: Hosts.Green.

Server monitoring is a practice that should be performed by all companies that want to achieve good results with their websites.

As with any management strategy, it's no use having a website if you don't know how to make good use of this tool.

To maximize your website's results and sales possibilities, it is essential to monitor it.

To make this task easier, it is important to have a server monitoring tool.

We will, in today's article, introduce you to Hosts.Green: a Brazilian website monitoring program that takes care of your webpage's performance.

But, in order for you to better contextualize yourself about the importance of having a server monitoring tool, we want to explain a few things to you beforehand.

What is server monitoring?

Monitoring a server, or the availability of a web page, consists of analyzing important indicators such as uptime and downtime, in addition to MTTR and MTBF.

These indicators are directly related to the performance of the website and it is extremely important to know what are the numbers presented by your website so that changes can be made whenever necessary.

Only through this monitoring will it be possible to know, for sure, the results that your website is showing and, even, how your audience is reacting to the message and content that the company is offering.

To carry out such monitoring, it is necessary to have trained analysts and the correct tools.

Talking about what server monitoring is, you can understand how this is an important practice.

In addition to showing, numerically, the results achieved, this practice offers a better perception of your company's position in the market.

It is also possible, based on the data obtained, to direct the efforts of the team responsible for your website to areas that need improvement and improvement.

That way you will not act blindly, but based on a report based on the monitoring that has been carried out.

But now why make use of a server monitoring tool?

Many people may wonder if it is even necessary to make use of a server monitoring tool.

The answer, without a doubt, is that this need is indisputable.

Having a specific tool for this purpose optimizes the time of its employees' activities, enabling them to focus, for example, on ways to offer quality service to their customers.

Not least because your web page is a way to offer an efficient omnichannel service to your audience and, obviously, this service needs to offer excellence.

Thus, the server monitoring tool will help your company's internal processes, bringing great benefits.

At first, you might think that paying for this tool could be another cost for your business.

However, you should see the server monitoring tool as an investment that will enable you to act more assertively within your own company.

With such a tool, you have the opportunity to have more control over your business and make wiser decisions.

Plus, you'll be sure you're on the right path to success. Or not. Which in this case is also positive because only when you are sure that things are not going well can you take a stand and act seeking a change of scenery.

And why Hosts.Green?

Faced with so many possibilities in the market, it is essential that you exercise caution before choosing which service to hire.

Therefore, today we want to show you why Hosts.Green is the ideal solution for your company.


Hosts.Green will offer you a series of features that will make the tool easier to use and bring even better results for you.

One of these features are the different dashboards available that will demonstrate the database monitored in real time.

In this way, it is possible to follow the monitoring carried out in a simple and effective way.

Our program will also offer you important alerts regarding the functioning of your website via email, WhatsApp and SMS.

These alerts are very useful, as they make it easier to follow up on the monitoring carried out.

Also, based on an alert, you can immediately, as soon as a problem is identified, work towards its resolution.

Reports are generated in order to facilitate the understanding of the monitoring carried out and it is also possible to schedule when you want to monitor.

Thus, monitoring will only be carried out when necessary according to the frequency that you think is best.

Also, we can highlight the maintenance functionality, through which it is possible to carry out scheduled maintenance.


As we mentioned briefly above, it is possible to integrate Hosts.Green with different tools and solutions on the market.

You can integrate the server monitoring tool to your IT ticketing system or even WhatsApp, Google Maps, business communication platforms like Slack, among others.

Effective monitoring

Through the Hosts.Green service you can monitor web applications, servers, URL's and links that contain dynamic or fixed IP's.


Hosts.Green is always ahead of the market, being the first Brazilian software in the SaaS model to offer the monitoring mentioned above.


Hosts.Green offers different hiring plans giving you the freedom to choose the one that best suits your needs, including a free mode.

Within the different plans, you will find several benefits that will enhance your website monitoring.

In addition to the easy-to-hire plans, a free trial period is offered in which you can try out Hosts.Green within your company. How about running this test now that you know the importance of a server monitoring tool? Click here and get started right away!

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