IT Infrastructure: what is it and why hire an MSP
Business USA

IT Infrastructure: what is it and why hire an MSP

Abraão Almeida
Abraão Almeida

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To remain competitive in the market, it is essential that your company adopts the IT infrastructure, allowing processes to be improved in order to deliver the best result for the customer.

It involves physical and virtual resources related to the flow, storage and processing of data, such as hardware, being used to support IT services.

Do you want to know more about this subject? So, read on as we'll go into details about the IT infrastructure and the reasons for hiring an MSP to secure this work.

IT infrastructure

IT infrastructure refers to any equipment related to Information Technology, such as:

  • hardware;
  • software;
  • operational systems;
  • communication platforms;
  • internet platforms;
  • integrated services;
  • apps;
  • network platforms.

The objective of this base is to promote tests, developments, monitoring, control and support to the services of the IT team.

In this case, professionals are not included in the infrastructure, as well as documents and processes.

It is important to highlight that this base is fundamental for any IT service to be performed. Therefore, it is necessary for the company to continue operating, since, currently, organizations need technology directly or indirectly.

In your company, you can centralize the IT infrastructure in a single data center or decentralize it in different data centers.

These locations act as a concentration of network and computing equipment, enabling the collection, storage, processing, distribution or access permission to a large volume of data.

Organizations currently prefer to use cloud computing to make this storage. So, instead of using their own computer for this, the IT team promotes access through the cloud providers' host servers.

Doing so, the hardware and software are in remote locations, which are the data centers, but they can only be accessed by customers via the Internet.

Through cloud computing, companies can access the IT infrastructure and all related data center services for a fee.

This is the infrastructure-as-a-services (IaaS) model. That way they do not need to install the features locally.

Another example is Software as a Service (SaaS), which hosts different components, such as hardware, software and servers, allowing customers to use these features when accessing them through the provider's hosting.

Why hire an MSP?

As you can see, managing the IT infrastructure can be complex and expensive. After all, it is capable of overloading the technical support team and causing losses, directly harming the company due to the lack of equipment working in perfect condition.

All of this, of course, results in customer dissatisfaction. Therefore, focusing on practicality, efficiency and economy, a good option is to hire an MSP.

This acronym stands for Managed Service Provider, which means, it is the outsourced IT service. It enables constant monitoring of all assets related to the IT infrastructure, allowing processes to be done with high performance and supporting the team.

Consequently, the MSP focuses on risk prevention and prevents the company from suffering from unexpected failures in the technological environment. That's because the service involves identifying potential threats or issues even before they happen.

To help you understand why this is a great alternative for your IT infrastructure, here are some details about MSP.

How does MSP work?

Managed IT services use specific software responsible for monitoring clients and assets, most of which activities are done remotely.

Therefore, the system monitors the company in real time, performing the following tasks:

  • reporting;
  • patch management;
  • automation and creation of scripts;
  • integrated service call center;
  • antivirus management;
  • web protection;
  • backup and recovery;
  • monitoring of mobile devices, network, security and machines;
  • notification alerts on backup performance, availability, security, and status;
  • and much more.

What are the advantages of MSP?

Showing itself as the business of the future, there is many advantages related to using MSP to manage your company's IT infrastructure.

After all, it allows for a reduction in the number of employees in the Information Technology sector, as well as the identification of services that are not efficiently performed by them and, therefore, can be transferred to the MSP.

This model allows companies to stay up-to-date with technological innovations in the current market, using the most effective services in a safe way.

Therefore, if your company is still working reactively, the MSP helps you to adapt to a proactive approach, focusing on meeting demands quickly and ensuring risk reduction.

After all, this model is based on proactive actions, putting itself ahead of problems and proving to be far superior to the break fix model, in which the service provider acts after a failure, acting as a fire extinguisher.

As you can see, the MSP has stood out, especially among small and medium companies that do not have a full IT staff, for constantly monitoring failures and taking action before the contractor has any kind of problem.

Companies that provide these services can work within the organizations that hired them, as well as perform tasks as needed, and charge for the hours worked.

Another option is to charge fixed amounts per month according to the contracting of certain services.

Regardless of the choice, know that your company will benefit from using an MSP due to the high level of efficiency and allow processes to be streamlined and your customers to be more satisfied.

In this article, you have discovered what IT infrastructure is, why prioritizing it and how it works is critical for your business to continue to thrive.

You also understood how the MSP is able to improve your business, performing cutting-edge services to maintain order in your company's technological environment.

Another issue related to IT infrastructure is high availability, which refers to the ability of a system to remain available for a long time. To learn more about this subject, check out our post!

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