5 business management programs to optimize results
Business USA

5 business management programs to optimize results

Abraão Almeida
Abraão Almeida

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Technology is an important part running any business. To optimize results, it is necessary to invest in business management programs.

These programs use technology to make managing your business easier, simplifying everyday tasks.

This is only possible through process automation, which will bring a series of benefits to the company.

Today, we're going to show you the best management programs and why you should start using them right now.

The Advantages of Using Business Management Programs

Before we talk about management programs, it is good to reaffirm the importance of having one in your company. We have separated the main advantages for you to have no second thoughts:

Streamlines processes: management programs are capable of optimizing spreadsheets and reports, eliminating repeated information much faster than manually;

It integrates information: with management programs, it is possible to access data from various departments in real time, streamlining the processing of information and simplifying management;

Reduces costs: software reduces the chances of human error and makes processes faster, saving time and money;

Increases data security: a management program can be stored in clouds. This ensures that data is kept confidential and, at the same time, not lost between company roles;

With more transparent information, managers are able to better assess processes and, consequently, optimize their results.

5 management programs to improve your results

Technology is a necessity for any business model. Brazil appears in 9th place in the ranking of countries that most use business management programs.

Next, you'll check out 5 programs that can help — and a lot — in your company's routine. Check out:

1.Desk Manager

Desk Manager has a series of features that help in the day-to-day business’ tasks. The main benefit of Desk Manager is that it performs call control efficiently.

The app has slide shows and dashboards updated in real time, which allows your team to interact with the service at all times.

The manager has access to the builder of reports and performance indicators, being able to carry out comparative analysis and better control the deliveries and delays of tasks.

In Desk Manager Configuration, you can register all active and passive members of your company, facilitating communication.

The team now has greater administrative control with options to manage warranties and invoices, accompanied by the equipment's hardware and software.

It is also possible to separate the calls in First Assistance and Solution of the calls, being able to stipulate a different period for each one and counting on a specific module for its SLA.

There are automatic email or SMS alerts to remind you of the proximity of these deadlines and with the Customer Portal, the Desk Manager gives the company the possibility to share items without opening a new service, using the Knowledge Bases.

Another interesting feature is the Ponto app. It controls the entry and exit of employees, like an electronic point. This eliminates the need for a printed one, saving material, and makes it easier to monitor the workday.

2. Slack

Slack is a collaborative program that allows you to link people from different places to important information that can help the company increase productivity.

Communication is organized into channels, which are divided by subjects, projects, teams or according to the company's interests.

This tool is compatible with services and applications that are used in everyday life, such as WhatsApp, Google Drive, Skype, email and other platforms such as Trello.

Its function is to integrate these functionalities in the same application, allowing the sending of texts, videos, documents and voice messages.

All this will be filed in the same place, making it easier to find information.

Slack also allows private conversations between employees, the company and partners, being a great direct communication channel.

The tool can be installed on Android, iOS, Mac and Windows operating systems. The current version is in English, but because it is very intuitive, it does not usually cause problems.

One of the biggest advantages is that Slack is free, being charged a fee between 80 and 150 dollars per year.

3. Keruak

For those looking for management programs in the financial part, Keruak is an excellent option. It helps you keep track of accounts payable, receivable and the amount saved.

Through the tool, which has 5GB of storage, you can store copies of accounts and share them with your accountant or bank, eliminating the need for physical pouches to send data and documents.

It is also possible to send personalized messages. With the application, you can create commercial proposals with a professional standard, but without losing the personal character.

If your proposals are attached to the database, there is the possibility of sending personalized links directly through the app, increasing the automation of the process and reducing the time for each step.

Another very useful feature is the issuance of electronic invoices generated by the application's own contracts. Consequently, customers can receive the note with a single click.

Keruak also allows you to carry out an inventory control, checking how much merchandise enters and leaves the company.

There are three types of plans at Keruak, ranging from small business tools to more complete packages.

You can increase, decrease or cancel your plan at any time. The tool's free trial period is 15 days.

4. Zabbix

This software ensures that IT assets are available, preventing services from being interrupted by any failure.

IT assets can be computers, routers or servers, which will ensure a good performance of the services offered to customers.

The tool collects data and performs immediate data analysis, providing statistics that assess servers regardless of where the responsible developer is located.

Zabbix also fixes possible occurrences before they interfere with operations. This way, IT professionals are able to better map the problems and work on their improvements.

With fewer interruptions in services, customers are more satisfied and tend to stay longer with the company.

5. Green Hosts

The software is one of the simplest management programs to handle. It is the first Brazilian tool in SaaS that monitors hosts, servers, URL's and links.

Hosts Green can be integrated with Zabbix, WebHook and Desk Manager, in addition to offering the possibility of notifications by email, SMS, Telegram, Whatsapp or Slack.

It is possible to schedule your monitoring time according to the company's interests. Reports are given in timeline format, which is easy to understand.

Regardless of which management programs you use, keep in mind that you need a skilled IT staff. Read the maintenance management text to avoid failures and optimize your company's processes.

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