Digital Experience Monitoring: What It Is and Why Care

Have you ever heard of digital experience monitoring? This term is relatively new and is still not being addressed by companies in Brazil – even though, abroad, it is being talked about a lot.

DEM (Digital Experience Monitoring) can monitor availability and performance related to optimizing the activity of a digital agent – in this case, it can be a machine or a human being – as it interacts with the company's applications and services.

As this subject is recent and somewhat complex, it is essential that entrepreneurs understand how it works and be aware of this novelty that promises to revolutionize interaction in the virtual world.

That's why we created this article to show you what it is and why digital experience monitoring is important. Read on to find out more!

What is digital experience monitoring?

As the digital environment has taken over the daily lives of companies from different sectors, it is important to keep up with the new developments that arise to optimize work in this area.

With this, digital experience monitoring emerged, which aims to monitor the operational and behavioral actions of the digital agent.

For this to happen, real user monitoring (RUM) and synthetic transaction monitoring (STM) are also done.

Keep in mind that while the first monitoring aims to identify whether users are being well served by recording their interaction with the website or app, the second helps ensure the availability and performance of the app.

DEM came to fill the gaps in omnichannel fragmentation, which is the integration of communication channels.

As a company contains several different sectors, each segment works in a specific way, which can cause difficulties to transmit communication in a transparent and coherent way to the end user.

Consumers see their organization as a single unit. In this way, he will interact with the company, through existing channels, such as social networks and chatbots, hoping to have a unique experience.

Therefore, the answers need to be cohesive, integrated through a clear dialogue between the most diverse departments.

This enables the service to be effective, which is the true objective of DEM: meeting customer expectations.

In this sense, all companies working with the digital will eventually need to implement DEM in order to provide the ideal experience for the consumer.

This strategy will focus on prioritizing the ultimate customer experience, no longer just focusing on internal creation processes.

How does digital experience monitoring relate to RUM and STM?

Still confused about how digital experience monitoring can be implemented in practice? So, you need to understand its relationship to real user and synthetic transaction monitoring.

The first step is to see how customers view your platform or application.

Even if you think it's effective, they may encounter bugs that aren't actually related to your job performance, such as individual device limitations or outdated browsers. Even so, this conception affects the user experience.

So, it's up to RUM to identify and record its interactions with your app, allowing the development teams to diagnose the failure and provide quality service available to the consumer.

So, even if it's not your fault, you need to know how to adjust your service in order to offer the best user experience.

Another key point has to do with the MTS. Let's say your company is developing an app and you want to deliver it flawlessly to consumers.

With that goal in mind, it's important to run tests to identify errors and eliminate them, and look for bottlenecks in performance.

So, to perform these tests during the development phase, it's worth relying on synthetic transaction monitoring, which simulates user sessions.

This strategy is essential for you to find out, for example, if your e-commerce will suffer from interruptions on the website due to high traffic.

This way, it is possible to eliminate all problems before launching your service. Thus, your users will not complain about failures that could have been avoided.

Therefore, the DEM is related to these two types of monitoring, ensuring the optimal performance of the departments that carry out the development and operation of the systems, focusing on the end user experience.

Why join DEM?

The relationship between people and the digital universe is becoming increasingly narrower, but maintaining this cohesive relationship seems to be a major challenge for organizations.

Therefore, monitoring interactions needs to be a frequent activity of companies, allowing customers to rely on their tools and communication channels whenever they need it.

Therefore, when facing the digital transformation, it is necessary to understand that the expectations of users need to be met. For this, the performance of the shares must be monitored.

So, it's important to gain visibility online through its available channels and a center that monitors 24 hours a day.

Understand that, despite being recent, the DEM has everything to gain a lot of influence within companies, providing a successful strategy to ensure the satisfaction of its customers.

So, don't leave it for later and start investing in this type of monitoring. Understand that without the ideal user experience, your business will be stagnant.

Giving them the best performance is your duty, so you need to use the tools available in order to satisfy them. Otherwise, your competitors will surely come out ahead. Have you noticed how digital experience monitoring has become fundamental in this increasingly virtual world? In addition, you can also use monitoring programs in order to facilitate the employees' routine. Learn more about it in this article.